Do you like free things??

Hey hey Reader!

Do you like free things??

Ok. It is normal to be skeptical of some random lady on the internet offering you free things. I grew up in the 'stranger danger' era where we were told to turn down free candy and puppies.

This is totally not like that...

I’m next-level pumped to let you know that I’m a part of a FREE bundle designed to help you sell your course or membership without riding the launch roller coaster on autopilot.

I am allllll about automating your emails so you can go live your beautiful life. That's why I decided to join the Automated Sales Bundle.

Because nobody's got time to hunt down one million we put them in a bundle of 40+ goodies of your choosing.

Here’s how this will work:

  1. Go here and enter your name and email address.
  2. You’ll be redirected to a page where you can shop and download as many products as you want. (They’re ALL FREE!)
  3. Consume, implement, and see results!

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

I’m going to go shopping later today, but here’s what I’m particularly excited about getting my hands on:

The Showit Sales Page Template by my incredible web designer, Danielle Connor, that’s designed to help you create a beautiful sales page that converts.

And the AI ACCELERATOR Tool by Hattie Duncan, because it is about time ChatGPT and I became friends instead of mortal enemies...

Oh! And Chanti Zak's Quiz Quest, which I've actually had my eye on for a little while now.

So if you’re ready to help automate your sales, The Automated Sales Bundle is for you!

Again, click here to get access to over 40+ FREE resources.

ps- I am also sharing 5 email ideas you can send TODAY over on my Instagram 😉

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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The Jenn Green Marketing

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