Rejection SUCKS Rejection? Not exactly my strong suit.Which is hilarious considering I spent almost 20 years as an actress. 🙃 I’m super sensitive.Every “No” feels personal, like a spotlight shining on all the ways I could’ve been better.Sound familiar? But here’s the big, obvious realization I had last year:Being afraid is keeping me small.I’ve been so scared of rejection that I’ve stayed comfy on the sidelines, resting on my laurels instead of putting myself out there. So, I’m flipping the...
You don't have to struggle anymore. You heard that right. Create sales generating emails in 60 minutes or less with my new freebie, Nail Your Newsletter. If you've been struggling with writer’s block every week, staring at a blank page with no idea what to send to your email list, I'm giving you a strategy that nurtures your audience AND boosts your sales. Listen, biz bestie– you need those subscribers turned into buyers without spending hours agonizing over what to write each week. I know...
I thought to myself, 'Why am I even writing this email!?!' Ok. I made a promise to you that I would, so there's that. But really? Because I KNOW that if I am consistent, I offer value, I connect with you, you will go from subscribers to buyers. Because, at some point in time you're going to want to up your email game and, fingers crossed 🤞🏻, you think to yourself, 'Oh! I wonder if that Jenn Green chick is free?'But there are a lot of steps along the way from me just showing up in your inbox...